The Columbus Voyage: Journal Entries

Eighth grade, American History, (again.) The assignment this time was to write as a crewman onboard the Columbus in his voyage to the 'new world'. This included three journal entries, of which I have posted here. It was a small assignment, but still recieved an 'A'.


Dear Journal:
Today was cool and breezy. They say we should be there in a couple weeks. We are starting to run out of food. The ship is 80 ft long. There are ninety men and three ships total. Some of our men are starting to get sick. Hopefully, I will be able to write again soon. Good night.

Dear Journal:
Today was very cold. Well, that is what I heard. You see, I am on night shift so I sleep though the day. Men are still seasick. Columbus is being so hard on us. We almost threw him off the ship, but we remembered he is the only one who knows the way back. Remember when I said that we should be there in a couple of weeks? Well, It has been three weeks, and there is still no sight of land. I just hope we sight it soon.

Dear Journal:
Well, we made it today. It's been two months but we finally made it. When we stepped off of the ship to land, it felt sort of funny since the land wasn't moving. Columbus stuck the flag into the ground and claimed the land for Spain. Everyone cheered. The people we saw were strange looking. They were wearing no cloths! They were holding gold and acting as if it was nothing, but they probably used to be rich. Well, tomorrow we scout the land, so I had better get to bed. Good night.